Mason creates unique, personalized treatments that use a combination of acupuncture, massage and other modalities. Appointments can, and often do, include a mixture of the following services depending each individual’s injury and need.
The first step in a course of treatment is assessment. We’ll do some movement tests and orthopedic exams to determine the main cause of your pain and decided how to best treat it. This gives us a baseline for your range of motion and muscle health.
Sports acupuncture / Dry Needling
Sports acupuncture focuses specifically on pain and injury recovery. It is a mix of East Asian Medicine and Western Orthopedics. Similar tp dry needling, this approach applies needles to active trigger points and areas of pain.
Electro Acupuncture
Electro acupuncture sends gentle vibrations through acupuncture needles to help muscles release. This approach is especially helpful for stubborn areas of tension and gives your treatment an extra kick.
Massage promotes the healthy repair of muscle, tendons, and soft tissue structures. In addition to the physical benefits, massage encourages the nervous system to relax.
Cupping uses glass cups with suction placed onto specific areas of the body to increase blood flow to areas of pain and trauma.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha uses a rounded tool to apply even pressure over the muscle with the help of an oil or salve. It often feels like a deep dragging along the muscle. Gua Sha loosens muscle adhesions and relaxes the underlying tissue.