Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are small, flexible, and harmless. You can feel anything from a slight pressure to a mild ache, and sometimes even nothing at all.
What Does Sports Acupuncture Help With?
A wide range of pain and mobility issues, including pain in your:
And Jaw (just to name a few).
It can also help with:
Surgical Recovery
Range of Motion
Athletic Performance
Chronic Pain
Do You Take Insurance?
Yes! I accept the following insurance:
I can also offer treatment through:
HSA/HFA Accounts
MVA Claims
Bike Accident Claims
If your insurance company isn’t on this list, there’s still a chance they may cover your acupuncture treatment. Get in touch with me and we can figure things out!
How Many Treatments Will be Effective for Me?
It varies from person to person and depends on what we’re treating. Each body is unique and takes time to react and heal after each appointment. Here are some example timelines:
Minor or Non-Chronic Injuries and Pain: 4-6 sessions
Major or Chronic Injuries and Pain: 10-12 sessions
How Often Should I Come In For Treatment?
For general wellness and prevention: 1–2 times per month
For sudden and painful conditions: 2 times per week for around 2–3 weeks.
For major or chronic conditions: 1 time per week, usually from 6–10 weeks.
What Can I Expect After Acupuncture?
Typically you will feel a reduction in pain and symptoms. Most clients feel relaxed and have an increased range of motion after treatment. Because acupuncture directly targets hardworking muscles, you may feel slightly sore, similar to after a workout.
What Should I Do After My Appointment?
Relax and Recover. Drink water. Stretch a little. If you are feeling sore, heat the area with a nice bath or heating pad.